Provide families with tools and information to support their children’s interests, healthy development, and learning.
3.1.1 Conduct culturally responsive public awareness campaigns about the importance of brain development in early childhood and the benefits of high-quality early environments and conditions that lead to safe, stable, and nurturing relationships.
3.1.2 Maintain the Kansas Quality Network website and list family leadership opportunities in a single online location.
3.1.3 Invest in opportunities for family peer-to-peer support and information sharing through investments and programs such as Kansas’ Supporting You Peer-to-Peer Network.
3.1.4 Provide unique opportunities for families to engage with providers in their communities through events such as community baby showers, health fairs, and back-to-school nights.
3.1.5 Use clear language and design, as well as accessibility best practices and standards, to make it easier to navigate state agency websites and access resources and information.
The Kansas Quality Network (KQN) website is frequently updated with resources and information. Community-based supports such as developmental health tip sheets are also available for families, health care professionals, and early care and education professionals through HelpMeGrow KS.
Supporting You, a peer support program led by KDHE, is increasing outreach and considering expansion to target support for adoptive and kinship parents and parents of children with developmental disabilities. Through this program, families share information and gain ideas from others who have experienced similar situations. The Supporting You platform is undergoing significant updates to enhance user experience and host training opportunities.
There are many efforts happening at a local level, including new initiatives through the PDG Quality Subgrants, and local events such as community baby showers and back-to-school nights.
The Children’s Cabinet and KQN websites are continually updated to use clear language and accessible design, and KU-CPPR offers training for partners and communities around website accessibility and content.
Sunflower Summer was developed as a summer enrichment program providing a wide variety of ways for families to get out, explore something new, and enjoy time together. Families in all 105 Kansas counties have participated, and day camp options are being piloted in 2022. There are 90 locations throughout the state included on the app: educational venues such as museums, historic sites, zoos, state parks and monuments, etc. Sunflower Summer also includes special events such as unique baseball-related history and education programs with the Wichita Wind Surge.
Initial phase of a developmental health marketing campaign is underway to better understand how early childhood stakeholders, families, and the general community understands developmental health and its importance though individual interviews and focus groups. Information gathered here along with survey data will inform a broader developmental health marketing campaign targeting families in Kansas.