Share A Story
We want to hear your stories!
The Children’s Cabinet and our All in for Kansas Kids partners are building an “Our Tomorrows Story Bank” to house brief accounts of the variety of experiences Kansans are facing during—and eventually after—COVID-19.
We want to know what you are going through; how you are coping; your needs, challenges, and struggles; and your reflections and insights on any new opportunities or “bright spots” that are emerging from these unprecedented times.

Why Are We Doing This?
The COVID-19 crisis has shown that we need stories now more than ever to understand the real impact on families, meet needs, and prioritize our efforts to support more of what is already working, and to get ideas for trying new approaches.
Knowing your perspectives – straight from you and in your own words – gives us valuable information to study and act on.
Who Will See My Story?
We don’t need personally identifiable information so your story will remain anonymous.
The Story Bank can be used immediately by decision-makers at any level, including state legislators and leaders in your community, to inform actions and next steps during this time of uncertainty.
About the Story Bank
Our Tomorrows uses an online tool called SenseMaker™. When you click the link to share your story, you’ll read more about the project and be asked to share a story based on the prompt that is meaningful to you. You’ll then go through a series of questions to help us better understand your experience. These stories get analyzed – we call the result a “story map” – to then give decision-makers at all levels real-time information on how Kansans are doing.
You can share as many stories, as often as you’d like. There’s even a quick option – more of a traditional survey style response – for you to add your voice even when you don’t have much time.
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As Kansans, we are used to helping each other get through tough times. We will meet this challenge together and leverage our strengths to build the future we want.
Let’s start by making our experiences known.
If you are a decision-maker at your organization, state agency, or other entity and you’d like to be connected to this effort, please reach out to the Our Tomorrows team. We would love to talk about how we can collect stories of Kansans in your area for local data to help you make locally-informed decisions.