Learn about an upcoming opportunity for communities interested in strengthening their local child care infrastructure. The Child Care Zones initiative will include grant opportunities funded by the Kansas federal Preschool Development Grant.
Children’s Cabinet Spotlight
Kansas awarded $21 million federal grant to continue strengthening systems
$21 million from the Administration for Children and Families has been awarded to create further investments in targeted initiatives that support the state’s early childhood ecosystem (ECE). The funding provides $7 million per year for 3 years, awarded to the Kansas...
2024 All In For Kansas Kids Strategic Plan
The Kansas Children’s Cabinet approved the 2024 All In For Kansas Kids Strategic Plan. Building on the progress of recent years and in response to the 2024 All In For Kansas Kids Needs Assessment, this plan charts the path forward for all of us in the Kansas early childhood ecosystem.
The Imagination Library of Kansas Now Reaches More Than 75,000 Children
August marks the first anniversary of Imagination Library of Kansas Day, proclaimed by Governor Kelly on August 14, 2023.
Available funding for investments in community multi-purpose facilities
The Capital Projects Fund Accelerator will award $38 million in grants to expand on the state’s efforts to create new licensed child care slots while adding space to enable work, health monitoring, and education supports.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Kansas Statewide Expansion Celebration
Watch the full celebration of the statewide expansion of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Kansas.
Nearly $43.6 Million Child Care Capacity Accelerator grants funded
Accelerator grant funding awarded to 52 Kansas community organizations and partnerships and are expected to create over 4,200 new childcare seats across Kansas.
Innovation Communities
Child Care Innovation Communities is a competitive add-on to the Child Care Capacity Accelerator Community Grant. Innovation Communities will work collaboratively with other communities across Kansas to pilot specific strategies to expand child care capacity that meet the unique needs of their families.
Accelerator Community Grant Information
The Kansas Child Care Capacity Accelerator will support community-based teams—including early childhood providers and champions, employers, and economic development leaders—in their efforts to create affordable and accessible child care seats in their communities.
2023 Early Childhood Governance Summit
On February 17, groups from the Kansas Early Childhood Governance System presented highlights, including progress to date, goals for 2022, and discuss opportunities to work together to accomplish the goals of the All in for Kansas Kids Strategic Plan.
Early Childhood Conferences
See upcoming Early Childhood Conference opportunities across Kansas and nationally.
Developmental Health Family Engagement Sessions
Are you a parent of a child age birth to 5 (Pre-K) in Kansas? We need your help to improve early childhood developmental health experiences! If you are interested in participating, please register. Participants who attend the full session will receive a $100 stipend for their time, commitment, and input.
Available funding for construction, operations, and sustainability solutions
The Kansas Child Care Capacity Accelerator will support community-based teams—including early childhood providers and champions, employers, and economic development leaders—in their efforts to create affordable and accessible child care seats in their communities.
Examining the Present and Future of Child Care in Kansas
In our role as strategist, the Children’s Cabinet commissioned Examining the Present and Future of Child Care in Kansas to encourage and facilitate innovative, collaborative planning. The report was developed by the University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships and Research and Capita.
Building a shared online resource for parents, caregivers, and early childhood professionals in Douglas County
TYKES Douglas County provides a comprehensive online hub of local and expert resources for early childhood development stakeholders seeking community and support.
Early Childhood and Literacy
This Issue Brief discusses the reasons for and actions behind promoting literacy beginning in early childhood, and it makes the case for increased investment in children during the early years so that all Kansas children are equipped for success in grade school and beyond.
Connecting and Engaging With Families in Kansas
The Early Childhood Policy Matters podcast features the Our Tomorrows story gathering project, how it was influenced by the Preschool Development Grant Birth – 5 initiative, and what it means for the future of Kansas.
2021 Kindergarten Readiness Quality Subgrantees
2021 Kindergarten Readiness Quality Subgrants recipients close the gap for local communities seeking comprehensive and strategic support for Pre-K children. Improving the rates of kindergarten readiness requires coordinated and accessible services and opportunities that empower and engage community members.
Ensuring play space equity for rural communities in Marshall County
The Kansas Children’s Discovery Center’s Rural Discovery Play Space Project used a collaborative and community-based approach to construct an educational play area in Marysville, Kansas.
Early Childhood Governance Summit
On January 21, groups from the Kansas Early Childhood Governance System presented highlights including progress to date, goals for 2022, and discuss opportunities to work together to accomplish the goals of the All in for Kansas Kids Strategic Plan.
Progress for Kindergarten Readiness in Kansas
Beginning this school year, the Kansas State Department of Education has started funding three-year-old at-risk preschool students who are enrolled in approved programs through their school districts. Cabinet Member, Monica Murnan, describes this change as “a big, big...
Connecting rural families to early care and literary services begins with supporting community involvement
The Kansas Masonic Literacy Center’s (KMLC) Grow Lead Read Project recruits and supports early childhood committees from local communities to promote resources and opportunities in early literacy and education. According to the Economic Innovation Group’s Distressed...
Training helps educators and parents transform everyday discipline issues into teachable moments
Conscious Discipline approach equips parents and educators with tools, strategies, and skills to better manage emotions and support student success According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rates of depression and anxiety in children ages 3 through...
Early Childhood Block Grant and Kansas Preschool Pilot FY23
This grant opportunity is to provide early childhood services for Kansas children and families ages birth to kindergarten entry, as well as services for prenatal and family supports.
Kansas Kicks Off Statewide Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Expansion
The Kansas Imagination Library is expanding. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library inspires a love of reading by gifting books to children. See if there is a program in your area & check back as we expand.
Progress and Updates
What’s new for Kansas children and families? Find out on our new All In For Kansas Kids Progress and Bright Spots page! We’ll share major milestones, new initiatives, and more as part of our needs assessment and strategic plan work.
Year One Reflection
The pandemic significantly impacted Kansas children and families, the early childhood care and education workforce, and the broader early childhood system. Despite challenges, partners furthered strategic plan goals.
$102,750 Awarded to 21 Kansas Organizations to Address Urgent and Emerging Needs of Families
The Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund awarded $102,750 in grants for Community Action Labs to address urgent and emerging needs of Kansas families. Recently, 41 Action Lab applications were received, and 21 projects were funded. Applicants included nonprofit...
Grants awarded to fund local solutions to kindergarten transition challenges
More than $256,000 in grant funding has been awarded to 13 All in for Kansas Kids Quality Subgrants to support Kindergarten Readiness.
New screening process
Child Start, Inc. recognized an opportunity to work with providers to learn how to understand and use Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) results with families as part of early intervention to determine the child’s needs and match them with available supports.
The First 1,000 Days
Our commitment to 1,000 days of transformational change.
FLIP-IT Training
Transforming child care experiences in Ellsworth
Thriving Families, Safer Children
A national and state partnership for a system of child well-being Kansas has been selected for Thriving Families, Safer Children: A National Commitment to Well-Being – Round Two, which will support the state’s ongoing work to transform the child welfare system into...
Lemonade from COVID Lemons
In spring of 2020, a child care facility in southeast Topeka closed after nearly 30 years due to COVID-19.
This is the Way
It has been a trying year, but as Master Yoda would say, “Do or do not. There is no try”
A Pandemic-Formed Future
Insights on how to help support children and families as we all navigate life in the wake of COVID-19
KCCTF announces the release of the full 2019 Needs Assessment Report
Read more Download the report
Governor’s Council on Education presents ideas to improve Kansas schools
Governor's Council on Education presents ideas to improve Kansas schools Read more
United Community Services honors Melissa Rooker
Melissa Rooker, executive director of the Kansas Children’s Cabinet & Trust Fund, has received the Distinguished Public Service Award for her efforts to build a stronger community and policies that make a positive impact on youth.
The Help Me Grow Kansas team was featured in the HMG National Center Blog
Get to Know an Affiliate: Help Me Grow Kansas
Capitol Insider Podcast with Melissa Rooker and Annie McKay
Children’s Cabinet strives to magnify early childhood safety net
Governor Kelly addresses the Children’s Cabinet at the April meeting
Governor Laura Kelly directs Children’s Cabinet to seek innovation and collaboration…
Results of the Preschool Development Grant Birth through 5 Grant Competition
Forty-six states/territories have been funded to conduct a comprehensive statewide birth through five needs assessment followed by in-depth strategic planning, while enhancing parent choice and expanding the current mixed delivery system.