Outcome Statement – Communities are empowered and equipped to create the best environments to raise a child.
Kansans told us it is difficult for families to find and access services when they need them. Often, families must “connect the dots” themselves, and they tell us that better collaboration among providers would help.
We recognize that Goal 1: State-level coordination is critical to improving community-level coordination. Improved coordination, infrastructure, and technical assistance
will help Kansas providers build partnerships within their communities—and statewide—to generate community-specific solutions. We envision communities will use shared tools and strategies to help families find information, access the right services, and navigate between systems. Communities will lift family voice, expand family choice, and engage a diverse representation of local champions to address their unique challenges.Key Findings addressed from the Needs Assessment
What Will Success Look Like?
- Kansas early childhood care and education providers will prioritize collaboration and communication to ensure that families know of services in their communities.
- Kansas families will be engaged as leaders and viewed as partners in decision-making for early childhood care and education services in their community.
- Kansas communities will prioritize and support family-friendly events and outreach activities.