Outcome Statement – Families have what they need to make informed decisions and can get services where they live and work.
Kansans told us there is inconsistent awareness of the importance of early childhood and the critical role parents and caregivers play in their child’s development. Families don’t always know what services and programs are available in their own communities, and there is not always equitable access to those opportunities.
We recognize that Kansas families must have the right information and tools to empower choice and ensure equitable access to services. We envision that families will be equal partners in the planning, development, delivery, and evaluation of services that affect them. Ensuring families are at the center of decision-making will result in a “nothing about us, without us” system.
Key Findings addressed from the Needs Assessment
What Will Success Look Like?
- Kansas families will have equitable access to resources, tools, and information that enables meaningful engagement with policymakers, state agencies, and other stakeholders.
- Kansans will understand the importance of brain development in early childhood and the benefits of high-quality early environments and conditions that lead to safe, stable, and nurturing relationships.
- Early childhood care and education family leadership opportunities will be easily accessible and available online.
- Kansas early childhood care and education providers will use the Kansas Family Engagement and Partnership Standards
to guide their work with families.