Outcome Statement – The early childhood care and education system is structured and aligned for maximum impact.
Kansans told us there are disconnects between state agencies and local providers that make it hard for both families and service providers to find information, access the right services, and navigate between systems.
We recognize that we must build and grow partnerships among all state agencies that support families, including those outside traditional early childhood care and education programs. We envision an equitable system that meets the needs of our communities and all families. Improved state-level coordination helps ensure that regulations and policy, data sharing, funding and resources, and overall governance lead to better outcomes for Kansas children. As a state, we will achieve maximum impact through specific strategies that help coordinate and streamline referrals, provide technical assistance, and increase parent knowledge and access to services.
Key Findings addressed from the Needs Assessment
What Will Success Look Like?
- The early childhood care and education governance structure will enable Kansas to implement the All in For Kansas Kids Strategic Plan, respond to challenges, elevate recommendations from communities and stakeholders, and make key decisions.
- Kansas state agencies will successfully coordinate and align efforts on activities like requests for proposals, funding strategies and requirements, scopes of work, programming priorities, eligibility requirements, and reporting.
- Kansas state agency contracts will include streamlined expectations around monitoring, licensing, and technical assistance.
- Kansas will have a common application available for state-funded early childhood programs.
- Kansas families will have greater access to needed services through telehealth.
- Kansas will develop and operate an early childhood integrated data system.
- Kansas will annually report on indicators around healthy development, early learning, and strong families.