
Innovation Communities

Child Care Innovation Communities is a competitive add-on to the Child Care Capacity Accelerator Community Grant. Innovation Communities will work collaboratively with other communities across Kansas to pilot specific strategies to expand child care capacity that meet the unique needs of their families.

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Accelerator Community Grant Information

The Kansas Child Care Capacity Accelerator will support community-based teams—including early childhood providers and champions, employers, and economic development leaders—in their efforts to create affordable and accessible child care seats in their communities.

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2023 Early Childhood Governance Summit

On February 17, groups from the Kansas Early Childhood Governance System presented highlights, including progress to date, goals for 2022, and discuss opportunities to work together to accomplish the goals of the All in for Kansas Kids Strategic Plan.

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Developmental Health Family Engagement Sessions

Are you a parent of a child age birth to 5 (Pre-K) in Kansas? We need your help to improve early childhood developmental health experiences! If you are interested in participating, please register. Participants who attend the full session will receive a $100 stipend for their time, commitment, and input.

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Early Childhood Governance Summit

On January 21, groups from the Kansas Early Childhood Governance System presented highlights including progress to date, goals for 2022, and discuss opportunities to work together to accomplish the goals of the All in for Kansas Kids Strategic Plan.

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Progress and Updates

What’s new for Kansas children and families? Find out on our new All In For Kansas Kids Progress and Bright Spots page! We’ll share major milestones, new initiatives, and more as part of our needs assessment and strategic plan work.

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Year One Reflection

The pandemic significantly impacted Kansas children and families, the early childhood care and education workforce, and the broader early childhood system. Despite challenges, partners furthered strategic plan goals.

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