Children’s Initiatives Fund

CIF Programs

The 1999 Kansas Legislature created the Children’s Initiatives Fund (CIF) to support programs promoting the health and welfare of Kansas children. Historically, the CIF has supported programs and services with a focus on early childhood, health, and child welfare. The CIF is funded by money from a settlement with the nation’s largest tobacco companies known as the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.

It is the responsibility of the Cabinet to “review, assess, and evaluate all uses of the monies in the Children’s Initiatives Fund” as part of the funding recommendation process. To meet this directive, all CIF programs participate in an annual evaluation and accountability process. The findings are used to provide recommendations to the governor and the legislature for allocations of the fund. CIF programs collect and use data to help ensure equitable access to services and broad impact.

CIF program profiles are presented in the Children’s Cabinet Annual Report.

Girl with pig tails smiling